About Us

INDIAN CURRENTS is a registered paper with the Registrar of Newspapers in India (RNI) with RNI Number 49338/89. It is a member of Indian Newspaper Society (INS) and accredited to DAVP.

IC is owned by Indian Current Publications, a Registered Society, under the patronage of the Capuchins of Krist Jyoti Province of North India.

IC is the only weekly of its kind in India, which gives in-depth analysis of day-to-day events in the socio political and religious fields.

Educational inputs, human rights, minorities’ issues, gender issues, and environmental issues are our prime concern. We promote national integration, communal harmony, justice, peace and integrity of creation.

We don’t create news. We analyse the news and events with objectivity, and without prejudice or biases.

We speak the TRUTH. And we fight against injustices. We move our pen to awaken the conscience of those in power and to educate our readers to distinguish between truth and half-truths. It critically analyses policy decisions and issues related to governance and administration with direct reference to the highest common good.

Our stories and articles on a wide range of topics have been widely acclaimed by a cross-section of people – decision-takers, policy-makers, intellectuals and readers.

During its 22 years of existence, IC has proved its worth adhering faithfully to its most cherished motto of being the “Voice of the Voiceless”. We believe in “Journalism With A Soul”.

IC will continue to follow the path it has charted out for itself in the past and uphold the values that are close to its heart. IC depends mainly on subscriptions for its sustenance. Hence our appeal to all the right thinking people for their support through subscriptions and introducing IC to others.

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The UP government's directive to display restaurant owners' names along the Kanwar Yatra route has sparked significant controversy.
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I was an impressionable 10-year-old when US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. It made a lasting impression on me.
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