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A Long Walk..!

Robert Clements Robert Clements
22 Jan 2024

It's a long walk he's settled himself to do, from Manipur to Mumbai!

Six thousand seven hundred and thirteen kilometres!

Stretching and arduous, it's going to be, but tis not the distance covered that will be tiresome and difficult, but the uncovering and tending of all the pain, the hurt, the anger and hatred that have been exploited in the minds and heart of the nation, that needs to be soothed by gentle steps, compassionate strides!

The beard will grow, I know, but what if, if love can be regrown into this nation, those unshaven looks will not be in vain. If a mending can happen between neighbour and neighbour, if love can be re-fostered twixt those who worship differently, if friendships, cleverly fractured, be fused together, if eyes made to focus only on pictures of hatred be restored to their original vision, then may God above bless each of those six thousand seven hundred and thirteen kilometres his feet touch.

It's a long walk he's settled himself to do, and I know his hands will reach out to touch those whose dreams now lie shattered in a land that flowed once with brotherhood and love. I know faces streaked with tears will walk hesitantly by his side, and I pray he will feel their pain as they, with no words left, will in their silence speak of a brother, sister, father, mother, son or daughter, raped, killed, thrashed, wounded by forces unleashed by professional motivators of hate and violence!

The beard will grow, I know, and blisters will slow down his pace, but even as those physical conditions deter his stride, may the One above magnify the outcome of this two-month trudge, that every step, still and rest this unhealthily stirred nation, that as he wends his way, plods, strolls and saunters through a disturbed, roused and agitated people, a calmness, peace and quiet will descend and remain, to be unruffled no more by gusts and winds of hatred fanned intentionally, purposefully and mirthlessly by a certain rabid lot.

It's a long walk he's settled himself to do, stretching and arduous. But tis not the distance covered that will be tiresome and difficult, but the uncovering and healing of all pain and hurt, anger and hatred exploited in the minds and heart of the nation, that needs to be soothed by gentle steps, compassionate strides!

My prayer, as men of peace try through gentle ways to hush and quieten harsh blows the country has received, that the One above will protect, preserve and prevent all harm to these who seek to unify and re-form a brotherhood in Bharat once again. My prayer is that all one point three billion will make this their prayer with me..!

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