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Become a Bold Woman..!

Robert Clements Robert Clements
13 May 2024

Even as India shudders at the Karnataka rapes and we also realise how women are being made to look weak because of insecure men, it begs the question, should women wait for men to become confident before they can walk into spaces which traditionally men have occupied?

"We can't wait anymore for our insecure men to become confident!" say some determined women, even as millions of their sisters, mothers, and daughters are afraid to step out.

No, you needn't wait anymore. Stop waiting and step out with a new slogan, 'Be bold with faith!'

Which mean having the courage to step out, with faith that someone bigger than your insecure man supports you.

Two women who did so, a judge and a queen, come to my mind:

Judge Deborah was not only a judge but also a military leader in Israel. Her leadership was characterised by wisdom, courage, and faith in God. During a war, she sent for General Barak and told him, 'Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor.

General Barak said to her, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't go."

"Certainly I will go with you," said Judge Deborah. "But the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman."

Deborah's decisive victory over the Canaanite general Sisera demonstrates her strength and strategic prowess. She inspired the Israelites to trust in God and take action against their oppressors, showcasing her ability to lead both spiritually and militarily.

Now, take a look at a bold queen. Queen Esther's story is one of bravery and selflessness. Despite being in a position of privilege as the queen of Persia, she risked her life to intercede on behalf of her people, the Jews, who were facing annihilation. Queen Esther's courage in approaching King Xerxes without being summoned, as well as her shrewd handling of the situation, highlights her strength of character and deep faith in God's providence. Her actions ultimately led to the salvation of her people and serve as a powerful example of how a bold woman can make a difference, even in the face of great danger.

Both Deborah and Esther were bold and courageous. But where did they get their boldness? From their men? No! Barak was scared to go to war and said he would go only if Judge Deborah led the troops and Esther's husband, the King of Persia, killed anyone who approached him without permission.

They both got their boldness from God. And that's a message we need to learn today: if you want to be a bold and courageous woman in today's India, your faith should be like that of Judge Deborah and Queen Esther, who thought living in a man's world stepped out victorious..!

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